Create peace in your life

Transform chaos into harmony with personal guidance

Do you feel overwhelmed by chaos, clutter, or financial stress? The Orderologist helps you create structure, clarity, and peace in your home, schedule, and budget. With a personal and goal-oriented approach, I help you implement smart systems that make life easier. Whether it’s organizing your home, streamlining your finances, or creating a lifestyle that truly suits you — I work with you step by step to transform disorder into harmony.

Ready to bring order to your life? Let’s get started together!

ik ga aan de slag om orde te scheppen in mijn leven
ik ga aan de slag om orde te scheppen in mijn leven

How can I help you?

Create clarity and harmony in your life with my personal and goal-oriented approach.

duidelijke planning en agenda op ordeduidelijke planning en agenda op orde
budget op orde en inzicht in uitgavebudget op orde en inzicht in uitgave
rust thuis omdat alle ruimtes op orde zijnrust thuis omdat alle ruimtes op orde zijn
(financial) administration
verhuisdozen gestapeld en georganiseerdverhuisdozen gestapeld en georganiseerd
geordende kast met papier gesorteerd op kleur
geordende kast met papier gesorteerd op kleur
opgeruimde lade met servies in keuken
opgeruimde lade met servies in keuken


(noun) /ˌɔr-dər-ˈɒl-ə-dʒɪst/

1. A specialist in creating structure, organization, and efficiency in spaces, schedules, and finances.
2. An expert who helps individuals declutter, streamline, and implement systems for a more balanced and stress-free life.
3. A professional dedicated to transforming disorder into harmony through strategic planning and organization.

Synonyms: organizer, simplifier, systematizer, decluttering expert
Related Terms: orderology (n.), methodical, structured, harmonious

Example sentence: "After hiring The Orderologist, my home and budget have never been more organized!"